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I am looking for similarities
in all individual cases of
Histiocytic diseases.
I wonder if we all tell our
stories we might come up
with some commonality
between the specific
situations in which all of
our pets got this disease.
So please email me the
details and I'll put your
pets story on Shelley's
Histio Website


Ik ben op zoek naar
overeenkomsten in alle
individuele gevallen van
Ik hoop dat wanneer wij
onze Histio verhalen
vertellen, wij overeen-
komsten ontdekken over
de manier waarop onze
huisdieren deze ziekte
hebben opgelopen.
Stuur mij de details en
ik zal het verhaal van uw
huisdier op de Histio
website van Shelley zetten.

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These stories are all
different. Individual
symptoms, situations
and circumstances
may vary and response to
therapy is not always the
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Deze verhalen zijn allemaal
verschillend. Individuele
symptomen, situaties en
omstandigheden kunnen
verschillen en de reactie
op therapie is niet altijd
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German - Hund
Maligner Histiozytose
French - Chien
l'Histiocytose Maligne
Italian - Canis
Maligni Histiocytosis
Spanish - Perros
Histiocitosis Maligna
Dutch - Hond
Maligne Histiocytose


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Cutaneous Histiocytosis

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)
Born April 23, 2006 / diagnosed February 15, 2010


Zack's story told by Nina

On July 30 2009, Zack received his yearly DHLP/Parvo along with Bordetella and a 3 yr Rabies vaccine. As usual that morning I gave him 2 benadril tablets, cuz of an earlier reaction to his shots as a puppy. In September he started chewing on his front legs and feet. I took him in to get medication to relieve his chewing and he received Temaril P.  

zackThe end of September, during a game of fetch, Zack ran right under the rubber stick and gave a yelp and that's when I saw him shake his head. The very next day a small bump appeared on the bridge of his nose, which I figured was from the trauma. The following month I installed a bed rail because Zack had fallen out ofbed. That night he didn't realize the rail was there and he hit his face jumping into bed. The following morning three more bumps appeared and they were very solid to the touch. I took him to see the vet and explained about the night time trauma. The vet didn't feel they were caused by the trauma but they were infected hair follicles. I was sent home with antibiotics and told to watch them to see if they grew any. I scratched my head and thought a perfectly smooth face the night before just doesn't get infected hair follicles in a matter of four hours.

The whole month I would give him medication and ice to reduce swelling, because I still felt the trauma had something to do with this.  Well these bumps about doubled in size, so it was back to the vets. This time I had the other vet, and he felt they were cysts. In fact he was positive they were because if they were from the trauma they would have shrunk in a months time. He explained to me that there were three different types of cysts and that they were not going to go away. I explained that Zack had a small cyst on his shoulder and I expressed the contents from it and it went away. He told me they would eventually come back. Being that he said that these cyst grow bigger, I felt it would be better for him to get them removed while they were small. 


So one week before Christmas 2009 Zack had surgery to remove the cysts which was to be small incisions. The simple removal of cysts turned out being treated as cancer since these were solid masses. Zack came home with three incisions that were about two and a half inches long. Right then and there I knew his gorgeous face would never be the same. A week later the biopsy report came back stating he had histiocytoma/ possible histiocytosis if any reoccur. Oh and the Vet said that these would have probably gone away on their own.


About a month or so after the surgery, Zack started to have more bumps on his face right in the scars tissue itself. It was backto the vet's and this time I wanted to see a specialist. The specialist diagnosed him with having cutaneous histiocytosis (CH) mainly because they were in the nasal planes area. Currently Zazackck is being treated with 250 mg Tetracycline and 250 mg Niacinamide because they work well on reducing inflammation.  After two weeks on this medication some of his bumps are smaller and some the same size. He had two of them on his front legs which I noticed just before the specialist, and those are almost gone.

I pray each night that these bumps go away and never come back, but only time will tell.  

The one thing I regret most, is not having his bumps tested before the surgery. I have decided to not make Zack have yearly shots anymore till I know for sure they are not harming him.

UPDATE - May 3, 2010
The coarse of Tetracycline didn't work, it mainly kept them from growing. Doing nothing was worse they multiplied and grew, till we couldn't bear to look at them any more. Zack is now seeing a Dermatologist and the treatment is; Medrol (2 tabs twice a day), Azathioprine (half a tab every other day) and doxycycline (1 tab twice a day). Within the first couple of days the meds reduced the overall swelling. It has been almost two weeks on these drugs and all but two bumps are gone (9 in total). These last two are about a forth of the original size. Zack may need drugs the rest of his life but possibly not. The one thing that came out of this is Dr. Jeromin agrees that Zack should not have yearly shots or rabies ever again.

The next photo's were taken after almost 2 weeks on the new medication


UPDATE - September 17, 2011
It has been about a year and a half and Zack has taken a few more drugs in hope to control these histio bumps. He has been tested for allergies and is allergic to some grass's, cedar and dust mites, and now gets a wzackeekly shot. Last fall he took Cyclosporine which is one of those drugs that herding breeds are sensitive to, and a MDR1 test was required. Zack took the test and the results were normal/normal. The Cyclosporine did nothing for his bumps , and only upset his tummy.

It seem like nothing he took, made those bumps go into remission, so back on steroids/prednisone he was for the second time. Steroids were the only drug that seem to work , but as soon as he was taken off them the bumps came back. It takes a long time to wean them off steroids so in the mean time Zack got very sick. One morning Zack developed a hacking cough and that afternoon he went to the vet's. He had a slight temperature and was given antibiotics. Two hrs later his breathing was very rapid and we took him to the emergency clinic with a temperature of 106 degrees. He came very close to not making it, and was on antibiotics for six weeks.

Two months later, Zack began throwing up and was once again at the vets, they guessed his illness was, pancreatitis. During this time to settle his tummy he ate six small meals a day of mashed potatoes and cottage cheese. Within a week and a half his bumps on his body disappeared and his facial ones drastically reduced in size.
Zack is now on a diet of Iams F/P and is still taking his allergy shots. For the most part his bumps are still there but not as bad. The bumps pop up and take about a month to go down but then more bumps pop up somewhere else on his face. We will have to work with different diets to see which will work, in controlling his histio bumps.

With almost losing Zack to pneumonia and the pancreatitis both due to the steroids, we vowed never to give it to him again. We prefer to have a healthy bumpy Sheltie.

Nina and Zack


Be sure to seek the advice of your veterinarian about any question you may have
regarding your pet's health and behavior.
No diagnosis can be done without a veterinarian actually seeing and examining the patient.

